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More About "The Trevor"


The Trevor sandwich is an incredible sandwich named after one incredible kid named Trevor Schwager.  Trevor is alive & well today, but only in our hearts & minds, as God wanted him even more than we enjoyed him when he lived on this earth.

Trevor was taken from all of us on this earth in December of 2017, shortly after his 18th birthday in an auto accident. The specific date is not important because what is important was the life he led, the people he touched, & the overwhelming spirit he left behind.  He is like no other young man you ever knew or will ever know.

Trevor is an athlete.  Trevor is the hardest working person you ever knew. He is a grass cutting, lawn mowing, mechanically  inclined working machine (notice I did not say kid, but person).

Trevor is in FFA & is one of the best listeners to your story if you are a toddler, a kid or, an adult.  Trevor is handsome & full of muscles.  Trevor is just plain ornery.

Trevor is the favorite student at Dowling High School. Today & forever, Trevor is the favorite in the neighborhood with kids & grownups alike.

Trevor buys his mom a puppy after being told not to do so.  Trevor will come fix your tire or bring you gas if you are on the side of the road needing help if you are a friend or even a  complete  stranger.

Trevor has a nose for the brisket & would wander over to the house & ask, “What ya got cookn there?” knowing all well it was the famous jalapeño smoked brisket.  He is always welcome to have some, & somehow he timed it out to show up again when it was coming off the grill.  I smile now just thinking of his grin as he chowed down a piece . . . or ten.

Appreciate what you have in life with your family, your friends, & all those you touch.  I know Trevor does. He lived life to its fullest every single day & each person he knew would tell you the same. Trevor Schwager is one of a kind & we are all blessed to have him in our lives.

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